Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Farewell...for now

The time has come for my final post.

This has been fun but I am signing off now.  Interim has come to a close and this class has been great.  I can truly say that what I learned in this class is something that I can take with me beyond Wofford.

One of these lessons that I am quite grateful for is the knife skill portion of the course.  Though it did not take a large chunk of our time, I really did put this to use outside of the classroom.  Now I like to think that I am a chopping machine.

Also, cooking with others in the class has also been fun.  I had plenty of laughs from my peers and Dr. Sloan.  I will definatly recommend this interim course for others to take in the years to come.  

It has been great but I need to go to sleep now.  

Adios, Salut, Tchao, etc etc...

- A. Lamar Hunter

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